Recognition programs

Image credit:
Elena Zhukova


Berkeley Loyal(link is external)

Berkeley Loyal recognizes the campus’s most steadfast donors. When you have made gifts in each of the two most recent consecutive fiscal years you become Berkeley Loyal and are recognized for the total number of years in which you’ve made gifts to Cal.

The Charter Hill Society(link is external)

Your annual contributions totaling $1,000 or more to any school, college, department, or program on the Berkeley campus will establish and sustain your membership in this special philanthropy circle.

Builders of Berkeley(link is external)

The Builders of Berkeley honors the vision, leadership, and commitment of the University of California, Berkeley’s leading benefactors since its founding in 1868. Donors whose lifetime giving totals $1 million or more are invited to become Builders of Berkeley and have their name etched on the granite monument on the steps of Doe Library.

The Benjamin Ide Wheeler Society(link is external)

The Benjamin Ide Wheeler Society (or Wheeler Society) honors those generous individuals who have provided for Berkeley through estate planning, a life income gift, or other planned giving.

Other Recognition Programs

You may also be recognized by the schools or programs to which you have given. These provide information online.