I lived my first year in the residence halls as a freshman and am glad I did. Most students live on campus for at least a year, if not more.
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July 6, 2022
High school students continue to apply to the University of California, Berkeley, in record numbers, as seen by a 13% increase in freshman applications over last year’s record-breaking number.
Welcome to alumnihood! Recent Graduate membership is just for the newest alumni in our Cal family.
A major Hollywood studio sent UC Berkeley back to the 1940s at the end of May for a motion picture that was filmed on campus.
While internships are typically associated with the fall months, not all internships happen during that time. If you missed internship season in the fall, there are more opportunities available!
Ever wonder how an alum is doing in the real world? We hope to periodically share alum experiences — and how their time at Berkeley, including resources and advice — after graduation.
Oliver O’Reilly, whose 30-year career at UC Berkeley is characterized by a deep passion for teaching and student success, will be the campus’s new vice provost for undergraduate education starting this Friday, July 1, officials announced today.
UC Berkeley’s campus community this week celebrated the grand opening of the Bakar BioEnginuity Hub (BBH), the campus’s bold new home for research and innovation.
Powered by a $30 million challenge match grant from an anonymous alum, UC Berkeley’s College of Engineering has raised more than $74 million in gifts to transform the engineering student center into a vibrant hub of learning and discovery, cross-disciplinary collaboration, innovation and entrepreneurship.
At UC Berkeley, we know that navigating the world of financial aid can be daunting. Understanding the language used to determine your financial aid status and eligibility can be confusing. Trying to figure out the difference between subsidized and unsubsidized loans might make you want to throw your computer out the window. Fear not!
Halfway through Anjika Pai’s junior year of high school, Donald Trump began his U.S. presidency. As one of the few Indian Americans in the pastoral community of Jamison, Pennsylvania, Pai braced herself for an onslaught of xenophobia.
Recruiting season is here and Berkeley students are applying to jobs and internships. Finding a job or internship can be daunting. There are so many job searching sites that it is easy to become overwhelmed on where to look first.
June 28, 2022
Coming from a long line of Iowa farmers, David Savage always thought he would do research to improve crops. That dream died in college, when it became clear that any genetic tweak to a crop would take at least a year to test; for some perennials and trees, it could take five to 10 years. Faced with such slow progress, he chose to study the proteins in photosynthetic bacteria instead...
June 27, 2022
UC’s Berkeley community of students, staff, faculty and alumni marched on Sunday in the first SF Pride parade held since 2019. Learn more about UC Berkeley’s efforts to recognize Pride Month
May 26, 2022
A chance discovery on her first day at the University and Jepson Herbaria in 2005 changed Kelly Agnew’s life, leading her down a rabbit hole of Civil War battles and prison camps, gold rush settlements, the exploits and foibles of California’s earliest botanists, the founding of the Sierra Club and ultimately the establishment at UC Berkeley of the largest plant collection at any public university in the world.
May 14, 2022
In her four years at UC Berkeley, Lucky Simsuangco, 22, said she faced a lot of unexpected turmoil: Thick wildfire smoke canceled classes and darkened skies, regional power shut-offs interrupted classes, and a worldwide pandemic threatened serious illness and moved university life online.
But on Saturday, at Berkeley’s first commencement ceremony in historic California Memorial Stadium since 2019, Simsuangco sat with friends under clear blue skies, wearing her cap and gown and savoring the final moments of her college experience...
May 9, 2022
Undergraduate students typically start their university years expecting the greatest challenges will come in the classroom or the lab, but the Class of 2022 also had to work through a pandemic, natural disasters and historic social turmoil.
May 3, 2022
Six UC Berkeley’s faculty members were elected today to the National Academy of Sciences in recognition of their distinguished and continuing achievements in original research.
The six were among 120 members and 30 international members elected at the conclusion of the academy’s 159th annual meeting. Membership is a widely accepted mark of excellence in science and is considered one of the highest honors that a scientist can receive...
April 29, 2022
As a kid growing up in Orange County, UC Berkeley biology professor Randy Schekman remembers collecting a jar of dirty pond scum from a nearby riverbed, sliding it under the lens of his toy microscope and being transfixed by the tiny, cellular world he saw.
That fascination led Schekman to an illustrious career: a Berkeley biology professorship and a 2013 Nobel Prize for groundbreaking research on cellular membranes...
March 29, 2022
UC Berkeley graduate schools and programs scored high in the 2023 Best Graduate Schools rankings released today by U.S. News & World Report. The campus is among 800 institutions with graduate schools surveyed annually by the magazine, which also surveys more than 2,100 graduate programs, including programs at UC Berkeley...
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